Hey there, I'm Hatim, a 31-year-old creative enthusiast!
Around 2015, I started my journey as a web developer and self-taught graphic designer, all while keeping design as a cool side hustle. My wisest decision, though, was diving headfirst into the world of User Experience design at Stellantis (formerly PSA) and leaving the geeky world of code. I got to collaborate with brilliant minds and massive teams, learning the UX ropes like a champ. 
But one piece was missing. I knew how to do useful, but not pretty.

I decided to study visual design and art direction in 2019, in École Multimédia Paris, and that is when the magic happened. 

I went freelance in 2020 and made many happy clients. Helping them solve their users problems through my passion : Creating ultra-functional, digital pieces that are custom-tailored to users' needs and beautiful to look at.
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